Add a pop-out dimension chart to the map

This article is helpful when you want to show, on the map, a pop-out chart showing a metric e.g. RSSI for an edge gateways cellular connection, and you want to break this metric out by a dimension for example the cellular provider used. See image below for illustration

Step-by-step guide

  1. Go to Admin->IoT Profiles
  2. Either create a new profile or edit an existing profile
  3. Choose a row and column to which you want to add the pop-out action
    1. Enter a name for the action e.g. RSSI (this is just a label so don't worry about entering the wrong value)
    2. Leave the Policy set as "No Policy"
    3. For Action set the value as "Embed URL in Pop out"
    4. Under URL enter the crafted url to chart the metric. e.g. showmetric.html?deviceId=$assetId&metric=36283_101&group_by=36283_146
  4. Click Update/Create Profile

Crafting the URL

To craft a url you'll need to understand the elements of the example url above

showmetric.html - this is a special page in RuBAN's UI who's job is to request and render data collected by RuBAN

deviceId=$assetId - this component constrains the chart to data collected for the IoT gateway you clicked to show the pop-out. RuBAN interprets the $assetId field as a token to replace with the id of the device pertaining to this pop-out.

metric=36283_101 - this identifies the metric to chart. The string is composed from the enterprise number and element id of the metric configured in RuBAN. To see a list of metrics on your RuBAN instance go to Admin->Metric Configuration.

group_by=36283_146 - this component identifies the dimension/tag to break the metric out by. This field is a tag attached to the metric as the data is gathered from the edge. Just like the metric component above the string is composed from the enterprise number and element id of the field. A list of these tags is listed in Admin->Metric Configuration the dimensions have the Semantics value of "identifier".