Fresh Install and Upgrade of Davra


  • Server set up according to our recommended specifications: Recommended Specs  
  • Debian 10 installed and configured for network connection on your server.
  • Stable and reasonably fast internet connection to your server.
  • The date and time properly set on your server.

Important considerations

The minimum recommended disk size to evaluate Davra is 50GB.

In order to anticipate a possible Operating System change in the future, please leave 20GB unpartitioned on the disk you install Davra to.  

Davra Download

Please find the install file URLs on our downloads page: Downloads  

The install file can downloaded to the server using the curl command, provided that your server is connected to the Internet.  

If you have the tar.gz on another machine (Windows) and need to get it to the server, WinSCP is a good tool to get this done.  

Install procedure for new installations and for Davra upgrades

Important 1: Please ensure that the installer file's md5sum corresponds to the md5sum found on the downloads page before running the installer.

Important 2: Please ensure the below minimum requirements are full-filled:

  • 32gb memory (run command free -m to check)
  • 8 CPUs
  • 100gb disk (thick provisioning if using virtual machine, run command df -h to check)

Important 3: For a Debian-based install you need to follow these instructions: /wiki/spaces/IARCH/pages/1520009217

1. Get a root terminal:  

sudo bash

2. Download the tar.gz file:  

curl -LO [download URL]

3. Extract the contents of the tar.gz, this will create a driectory "Davra" in the current directory:  

tar -zxf [name of tar.gz file] 

4. Run the install script to install or upgrade Davra:  

nohup Davra/ > install.log &

After the install script has finished some more configuration tasks will be processed in the background. Please give your Davra instance 5 minutes to complete these tasks.

Once Davra has been successfully installed the UI can be accessed by going to the following URL:  

http://<davra host IP address>

NOTE: The data is by default stored for no more than 14 days. To keep it for longer, please contact Davra support.

Install procedure for Davra on proxy using setups

1. Get a root terminal:  

sudo bash

2. Download the tar.gz file: 

HTTP_PROXY=[proxy url] curl -LO [download URL]

3. Extract the contents of the tar.gz, this will create a directory "Davra" in the current directory: 

tar -zxf [name of tar.gz file]

4. Run the install script to install:

Davra/ > install.log 2>&1

Upgrade procedure from Davra 5.1

Prerequisites for upgrade 

  • Valid upgrade base: The only valid upgrade base for Davra 6 in the 5.X series is version 5.1 -- if your version is 5.0.Y, then you will have to upgrade to 5.1 first. A step by step guide on how to do this can be found here.  
  • Two machines running two Davra installs: You will have to have two machines, one running Davra 5.1 on CentOS 6, and another running Davra 6 on CoreOS, installed using the procedure described in the previous section.  
  • Root access to Davra 5.1 machine: The upgrade script, which is run on the new CoreOS Davra 6 machine, needs to login, as root, to the CentOS Davra 5.1 server to migrate the data. The script will prompt you for the root user password of the 5.1 machine so be sure to have it to hand. 

For the OVA versions of Davra then you need to :

    • login to the 5.1 machine as rubanAdmin 
    • reset the root password: sudo passwd root

Upgrade procedure  

  1. Install Davra 6 on CoreOS using the procedure described in the previous section  
  2. Get a root terminal using   
     sudo bash 
  3. Run the upgrade script using   
     bash Davra/ [IP address of the machine running Davra 5.1] > upgrade-ruban-51-to-6.log 2>&1
  4. Take down your old Davra instance
  5. We recommend that you change the IP of your new Davra 6 to that of your old Davra server so that your edge devices don't have to be reconfigured for continued data supply.

That's it, you're done!