API Token Management

API tokens can be generated and provided to third party applications on behalf of RuBAN users. Tokens can be granted and revoked at any time for applications without having to add and remove users in RuBAN specifically for those applications.

The token manager console is located in Admin → OAuth 2.0 Tokens

  • A token is granted for a user by pressing the key icon next to the user name. 
  • A token is revoked by pressing the x icon next to the user name.

How to use the key

API calls can now be made by modifying the header of http requests to add the bearer token authorization field. The key is a lot longer than what is depicted below, you'll need to select the contents of the API Token field in the UI and paste it into the command line after  "Bearer" as below:

curl -H "Authorization: Bearer S1LBAWxm8ZJ0hbCT....." http://<ruban ip>:<port>/api/v1/iotdata/meta-data

For a full list of API calls and their explanations visit the API documentation of the Davra Networks site.